Very well known business RAMUS operating since 2000 is located at Sochařská 4, Prague 7.
The range of services offered to it’s customers, which includes some of the most prestigious galleries in Prague, include adjustments not only of paintings, photographs or graphics but also mirrors, maps and other works of art. Our main assets a framing shop is the individual cooperation with a customer. We offer a large selection of wood as well as metal profiles of the best quality that can be adjusted to your specific needs and demands.
Passe-partouts are offered in more than 50 different colors. Passe-partouts of museum quality are available with the trademark ARTCARE guaranteeing maximum quality of a chemical protection of a framed object. Glass comes in a regular 2mm thickness or you can choose a special “museum quality” glass with a built in UV protection which absorbs more than 90% UV rays. Artwork is protected from the back with a lightweight board with a foam centre “FOAMBOARD” 3.5mm or 10mm thick or “BLACKBOARD” or museum quality “ARCHBOARD”. We also provide a selection of suspension systems with all the necessary components including picture hooks and cables. We can also provide advice in case of some damage to your artwork and arrange the restoration with the experts in the field.